Check Your Snoring with iPhone Application

Monday, October 12, 2009

Snoring while sleeping is really a problem; as it’s a shame to those who suffer, and becomes a ‘nightmare’ to his partner. Besides, snoring is also an indicator to certain illness.

An iPhone application is claimed able to help recording and analyzing snoring type and other breathing disturbance while sleeping. The application named Sleep Aid is developed by Remote Analysis Ltd, a telemedicine provider collaborating with Elias Pietilä’s Qvik Ltd.

Using this application is easy. What you have to do is place iPhone near your sleeping position. Click record and then sleep. In the next morning, click Wake up. Then you can see a recording graphic and audio clip displaying your snoring.

Sleep Aid also has sample of snoring types and sleep respiration disorder, so that user can compare their recording with the sample to find out what kind of sleep respiration disorder symptoms they have. Apple had developed this application together with Qvik Ltd and doctor expert in diagnostic respiration disorder to show some evident that your partner was snoring.

Off course, Sleep Aid application is not intended to replace doctor’s diagnostic. It was intended to give early warn. With that warn, someone can decide that he needs to see a doctor and find out what best solution to get better sleep. This because snoring is effecting personal sleeping quality.

Good news, application is available at iTunes AppStore soon. The price is US$ 3, quite cheap such a useful application.


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