5 Pekerjaan yang Tetap Dibutuhkan saat Wabah Virus Corona

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Di tengah-tengah pandemi corona sekarang, ada beberapa pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan saat wabah virus ini sedang berlangsung.

Walaupun memang ada beberapa industri yang merasa dirugikan, namun ada juga beberapa industri yang justru membutuhkan banyak karyawan.

Banyak sekali lowongan kerja yang dibuka oleh perusahaan-perusahaan sehingga dapat menimbulkan harapan para pencari kerja di tengah wabah saat ini.

Lalu pekerjaan apa saja yang sedang dibutuhkan? Simak penjelasan dari Glints berikut ini!

1. Perawat

Salah satu pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan saat wabah virus corona berlangsung adalah perawat atau petugas kesehatan.

Menurut Business Insider, semakin banyak petugas kesehatan atau perawat maka akan membantu tim medis untuk merawat pasien yang sedang terinfeksi virus corona.

Dengan demikian, maka tim medis tidak akan kewalahan dalam menghadapi banyak pasien setiap harinya. Jika begitu, mereka bisa berhasil memerangi virus corona serta menghentikan penyebarannya dengan cepat.

Nantinya, perawat-perawat atau petugas kesehatan tersebut tidak hanya ditempatkan di rumah sakit, melainkan di tempat umum seperti bandara, terminal, stasiun, dan lain sebagainya.

Hal tersebut dilakukan demi mencegah penyebaran virus corona yang semakin meluas.

Baca Juga: Pahami 4 Cara Ini Untuk Menyikapi PHK karena Corona

2. Data Specialist

Tidak hanya perawat saja yang dibutuhkan saat wabah virus corona sekarang, melainkan juga membutuhkan seorang data specialist.

Data specialist bertugas untuk memahai serta menganalisis data terkait dengan wabah virus corona.

Penting di saat wabah sekarang, untuk memahami tingkat keparahan dari wabah ini dengan melihat jumlah kasus yang telah terjadi dan dilaporkan dari berbagai negara lainnya.

Walaupun sulit menemukan jumlah yang pasti, setidaknya mereka bisa membantu mengetahui perkiraan yang sudah terjadi saat ini.

Adanya data juga sangat bermanfaat bagi investor untuk melakukan pemeriksaan aktivitas ekonomi.

Bagi kamu yang punya keahlian sebagai seorang data specialist, mungkin ini adalah kesempatan kamu untuk mewujudkannya.

3. Peneliti dan Ilmuwan

Kedua profesi ini sangat penting dan dibutuhkan ketika adanya wabah virus corona yang menyerang dunia saat ini.

Bagaimana tidak, adanya ilmuwan tentu memiliki peran penting dalam melakukan uji laboratorium terkait dengan adanya virus corona.

Di sisi lain, peneliti juga bertugas untuk menemukan informasi terkait wabah virus corona ini.

Dengan demikian, apabila keduanya bekerja sama dengan bagus, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan akan ditemukan vaksin dari virus ini.

Oleh karena itu, postingan pekerjaan terkait ilmuwan juga cukup banyak saat ini di Glassdoor, salah satu situs pencari kerja di Amerika Serikat.

4. Communication Specialist

Selain membutuhkan perawat dan juga data specialist ketika wabah virus corona sedang berlangsung, ternyata communication specialist juga sangat dibutuhkan saat ini.

Tugas dari communication specialist sendiri adalah membantu menginformasikan terkait wabah virus corona ini dalam berbagai bahasa agar dipahami oleh banyak orang di seluruh dunia.

Apabila kamu merupakan seorang lulusan sarjana di bidang komunikasi maupun hubungan masyarakat, maka kamu sangat cocok untuk menjadi seorang communication specialist.

5. Customer Service

Jangan salah, selain pekerjaan-pekerjaan di atas, customer service juga sangat dibutuhkan di tengah-tengah pandemi virus corona saat ini.

Menurut CNN, Domino’s Pizza berencana untuk merekrut karyawan sebagai customer service.

Hal tersebut dilakukan karena di tengah-tengah pandemi saat ini, pasti banyak orang yang kelaparan dan tidak bisa keluar rumah untuk membeli makan. Hal ini membuat mereka hanya bisa memesan makanan dari rumah.

Di situlah tugas customer service untuk melayani pelanggan dengan baik dan ramah.

Nah, jika kam membutuhkan pekerjaan saat pandemi ini tapi skill dan minat kamu bukan kelima bidang di atas, kamu masih berpeluang kok untuk bisa mendapat pekerjaan dengan mengikuti 5 tips cepat cari kerja saat wabah corona ini.

Selama yakin, tak ada yang tak mungkin. Karena selalu asa dibalik setiap musibah. So guys, buat kamu yang lagi cari kerja, tetap semangat and stay safe ya.

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Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Gak Pake Ribet

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pagi ini kamu lihat iklan lowongan kerja yang menarik.

Job desk-nya asyik dan lokasi kantornya dekat tempat nongkrong. Wuih, pulang kantor gak bakal ngebosenin. Males kejebak macet, bisa nongkrong dulu sambil networking.

Baca lagi ke bawah, perusahaanya juga multinasional.

Bentar, perusahaan multinasional? Berarti harus jago bahasa Inggris dong, pikir kamu.

At least mesti nulis surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris biar bisa dilirik dan dipanggil wawancara.

Kening mulai berkerut, jari ngetuk-ngetuk meja. Kamu mulai berpikir keras.
Gimana caranya bikin surat lamaran bahasa Inggris yang simpel tapi bisa menjual.

Seperti kita tahu, surat lamaran kerja adalah senjata utama buat bikin calon employer terpesona pada kualifikasi kita.

Ibaratnya, surat lamaran kerja itu harus bisa bikin HRD manager yang baca jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama.

Well, itu ada benernya.

Faktanya, nulis surat lamaran kerja berbahasa Inggris itu bisa jadi susah, bisa jadi mudah.

Mudah, kalo kita tahu tips dan triknya. Jadi susah kalau kita cuma bikin surat dari contoh dan template surat lamaran kerja kebanyakan.

Surat Lamaran Kerja Yang Simpel

Tahu gak sih, nulis surat lamaran kerja yang simpel itu sebenarnya cuma butuh tiga bagian.

Pertama, opening atau kalimat pembuka yang punya stopping power.

Kedua, deskripsi singkat mengenai keahlian kamu dan bagaimana nanti kontribusinya bagi perusahaan yang merekrut

Ketiga, kata penutup yang catchy

Dengan struktur seperti tadi, dijamin HRD manager yang baca surat lamaran kamu bakal melirik.

Buat tahu lebih lengkapnya gimana menuliskan tiga poin di atas, kamu bisa baca detilnya blog yang bahas surat lamaran kerja ini ya, guys.

Di sana banyak tips dan contoh surat lamaran kerja yang bikin acara nulis surat lamaran jadi gampang dan menyenangkan.


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Tinggal dan diam di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk memutus penyebaran virus corona saat ini.

Imbasnya, aktivitas kita sekarang otomatis berpusat di rumah: dari bekerja dengan sistem work from home, belajar, beribadah dan s aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya.

Di satu sisi, hal ini bikin kita dekat kembali dengan keluarga. Di sini yang lain, lebih dari sebulan jarang keluar rumah bisa menimbulkan rasa bosan.

Tapi jangan kuatir, biar pun tinggal di rumah, kita bisa menghilangkan bosan dengan melakukan berbagai hal-hal produktif berikut:

1. Belajar Masak
Buat yang kemarin sibuk kerja dan gak sempat belajar masak, sekarang saatnya untuk mencoba berkutat lagi di dapur.

Kamu bisa eksplorasi berbagai resep dan tutorial cara masak sekaligus mempraktekannya langsung di dapur.

Selain ngilangin bosan, masak juga bikin kamu dan keluarga makan makanan sehat karena lebih terjamin kebersihannya.

Bahkan, bisa jadi dengan masak sendiri di rumah pengeluaran uang makan jadi lebih hemat.

Buat yang lagi nyari resep masakan bisa coba kunjungi website-website ini ya:

2. Baca Buku Favorit
Nah, buat yang kerjanya rajin beli buku terus disimpan di rak, sekarang saatnya buat baca koleksi buku-buku tersebut.

Baca buku bisa jadi cara menghabiskan waktu yang produktif. Kamu bisa menikmati “me-time” dengan tenggelam di lautan informasi dan ilmu.

Buat kamu yang lebih suka buku digital, kamu bisa coba eksplor Google Play Book dan Amazon Kindle. Di sana tersedia ribuan buku untuk apapun minat dan hobimu.

3. Olahraga Ringan
Menghabiskan waktu di rumah membuat kita malas bergerak. Akibatnya, berat badan bisa nambah dan kebugaran jauh berkurang.

Untuk itu, lakukan olahraga ringan secara teratur untuk membakar kalori dan menjaga tubuh tetap fit.

Kamu bisa buka youtube untuk melihat referensi olahraga ringan yang bisa dilakukan di rumah. Salah satunya video work from home exercise ini

4. Bersih-bersih Rumah
Mumpung lagi di rumah, gak ada salahnya untuk mulai merapikan barang-barang dan membersihkan rumah. Selain bakar kalori, aktivitas bebersih rumah juga bikin mood jadi hepi.

Yang pasti, rumah jadi rapi, bersih dan lebih sehat. Tinggal juga jadi lebih nyaman dan cenderung terhindar dari stress.

5. Nyiapin Lamaran Kerja
Salah satu dampak dari wabah corona adalah terpukulnya kegiatan bisnis dan ekonomi. Banyak perusahaan yang gulung tikar atau merumahkan karyawannya.

Tentu kita berharap kondisi ini cepat membaik dan pulih kembali. Saat kondisi nanti membaik, bisnis akan tumbuh dan banyak perusahaan yang kembali membuka lowongan kerja.

Untuk itu, mumpung lagi di rumah, tak ada salahnya menyiapkan surat lamaran kerja. Kita tidak tahu peruntungan apa yang menanti kita pasca wabah ini berakhir.

Faktanya, menulis surat lamaran kerja gak ribet kok. Dengan teknik menulis surat lamaran kerja yang simpel dan efektif, kamu bahkan bisa membuat surat lamaran kerja yang bisa menarik perhatian HRD cukup dengan ponsel saja.

Buat yang nyari referensi cara nulis surat lamaran kerja bisa coba eksplore tips yang ada di link ya. 

Well, itulah lima kegiatan yang bisa menghilangkan rasa bosan dan membuat kita tetap produktif di rumah.

Stay safe semua, tetap semangat dan berpikir positif!


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Best Football Tickets Service

Monday, November 1, 2010

Are you a football lover? I bet, the most exciting day is when your favorite team is about to play right? Of course, a couple of beers, snacks and buddies around will make it more joyful. You can hang out in a bar watching your favorite team playing. What a perfect day.

But, wait a minute. What about moving that joyful to the stadium, watching your favorite team live? Some of you might say that you don’t have time to buy the tickets. Or, perhaps you are afraid of not getting the best seat. Well, in that case, you should worry no more, since there is a best convenience place to order sport tickets online.

Therefore, whatever you favorite team is: Alabama Crimson Tide, Georgia Bulldogs, North Carolina Tar Heels, to Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket you can easily book tickets online. This is a 24 hours service so you won’t miss a single game. Plus, the ticket will deliver right to your door. All you have to do is pick up the phone and place your order. Their friendly customer service will take care the rest. So, prepare your jersey and show your full support to your favorite game in a place where a real fan that should be.

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Financial Motivation for Two-Year Education

Friday, July 16, 2010

When it comes to college, you are considering an expensive proposition any way you look at it. There are however, ways in which you can greatly reduce your overall expenses when it comes to getting your college degree. The first method, which in many cases is the most preferred, is by attending a community college for the first two years of your college educational experience. Believe it or not you can literally save thousands of dollars over the course of spending two years on the community college level.

You will hear all kinds of arguments on why it is better to attend all four years at a university. The universities almost always make these arguments. Unfortunately, their opinions are a little bit biased in these matters. Most universities offer equivalent courses with community colleges meaning that the first two years of study should transfer with no problems or snags along the rocky road to your degree.

The universities make money each semester you begin class as a student. It is in their best interest financially to have you from the beginning rather than as a transfer. In fact, many universities offer lower level classes as auditorium classes. They pack more students into classes and have fewer professors or graduate students teaching the courses and maximize their money off the first and second year students rather than those in upper level courses. Yet another reason to consider a community college for the first two years of you education.

Getting back to the expenses of a community college, most community colleges are largely commuter campuses. This means you won't face the high housing costs that are associated with universities, particularly if you are attending college close to home. Community colleges also offer far less distractions that cost additional money than most major universities. This doesn't mean that there aren't ample social opportunities; it simply means that there are fewer of them. This also leaves fewer distractions than universities present when it comes to studying.

Community colleges simply cost less all around. While it would be nice if you could receive a full four year education at this level, they are able, for the most part, to keep expenses down by not requiring the level of qualification that universities require of their professors for upper level courses. You will have excellent, if not superior quality of education at lower levels than you would have on the university level, but you will also eventually need to move on to the university level in order to complete your education.

For this reason, you would do well to save half of your savings over university costs for each of the two years you are attending community college and apply it to your university education. This will ease the burden of the additional costs of the university and feel as though you are paying the same amount for tuition throughout your education regardless of the fact that you are literally saving thousands of dollars on your educational expenses.

Some states have educational savings plans that allow parents to save for tuition at current costs by enrolling. These plans cover two years of community college education and two years of university education. By locking in today's prices you are eliminating the inflation. When you consider the fact that college tuition is increasing at an alarming rate this is by far an excellent way to go. You should check with your state and see if they offer a similar plan to parents of younger children and what the requirements are in order to enroll your child today.

If you are looking for a real value in education whether or not you only go for your two year degree of move on to a university in order to finish your four-year degree you should find that a community college education offers a significant value for the money. Most people find that every penny they spent in a community college was a penny well spent.

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Are You Already Marketing On The Internet?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Take a moment to think about how you would really answer this question. If given enough thought just about any business owner who utilizes the Internet for any purpose will likely find that whether or not they intentionally organized an Internet marketing campaign, they may already be marketing their products and services on the Internet. This article will examine some subtle ways business owners may already be marketing their business on the Internet.

Do you have a website for your business? Business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their products or services online just by virtue of the fact that they have a website online. Having a live website means there is the potential for curious Internet users to access your website. You may not be actively promoting your website but you may still find that your website generates interest in your products despite the lack of promotional endeavors; this is a form of passive marketing.

Do you participate in message boards and include a link to your website in your signature? Again business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their website online. Savvy business owners realize the importance of participation in industry related message boards to create an interest in their products and services, establish themselves as knowledgeable about the industry and offer a link to their own website even if it is in the signature line of their posts. However, even business owners who do not realize this may already be inadvertently enjoying the benefits of Internet marketing which result from message board participation just by doing something they enjoy and may be doing as a form of leisure activity.

Do you include keywords which are relevant to your business in the content of your website? Business owners who answer yes to this question are also already marketing on the Internet by optimizing their website for these keywords. These search engine optimization (SEO) affects the websites whether or not they were even aware of the concept of keyword density and how it can help to SEO a website. Business owners will likely use certain words often depending on the type of products and services they offer just because it is natural and logical to do so. This tendency, however, can result in search engines boosting your website rankings for these particular keywords. The concept of SEO is much more involved and complex than simply using keywords frequently but business owners can gain some benefit just by naturally applying relevant keywords to their website.

Do you solicit feedback from your customers online? This is yet another example of how business owners may be accidentally marketing their business on the Internet. Most business owners realize the importance of soliciting feedback from customers for business purposes and business owners who offer products online might solicit feedback in the form of online surveys. Although the business owners may be doing this simply for a business purpose the fact that it is done online makes it fall into the category of Internet marketing.

We have already discussed several ways in which business owners may already be marketing online but what about business owners who want to have an increased online presence? Business owners who may already be marketing online accidentally may wish to launch a full scale Internet marketing campaign. The best way to do this is to hire a consultant with experience in Internet marketing to assist you in creating a campaign which is effective for your target audience.

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Copywriting as a Job

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

There is a great deal of benefits if you have copywriting as a job. The salary for a copy writer is much higher than the average wage in the United States. According to the magazine Advertising Age, the average salary for a copywriter in the United States is right around $60,000 when you include bonuses and that was for the year 2005. You can imagine that the income will be higher now, given that there has been inflation in the last two years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics comes up with a similar but slightly lower number, right around $57,000 for a copywriter.

Copywriting does have a great deal more flexibility than many jobs. You do not need to worry about keeping set hours usually because the focus is upon you writing good copy. This could allow you to live a full life in some ways because you can plan some events around the fact that you can make up more time in hours on certain days if something comes up. This is something that many jobs such as banks or restaurants are not able to do.

Copywriting as a job also offers a great workplace environment. Many copywriters work within an advertising agency, which can be a great place to work. You often have many other creative people and there you can bounce ideas off of one another and these people often have high energy which you can feed off of. This can be a great group of people to work with because you will often find that you are challenged due to the intelligence and creativity of this group of people. There are many different sizes of advertising agencies see you could decide to work for a smaller advertising agency if you like a close-knit group of people or you could work for a larger advertising agency if you want more competition. This could be structured according to how your mindset and makeup are. There is a great deal of flexibility within your workplace environment as demonstrated here.

Writing good copy can be very challenging so you will find that this job will never grow boring. If you work at an advertising agency, you often will have many different types of clients so the work that you do every day can change. This is good because you'll get a great variety of different things they would never get bored.

Copywriting as a job offers great benefits to you no matter how you look at it. You are able to make very good money, considering that the average wage is right around $60,000. If you are able to establish yourself as a master copywriter, you can obviously earn a great deal more money than the average salary. The workplace environment often will be crackling with creative energy and the flexibility that you will have from the job is more than most other jobs can offer.

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